- 1 * Research affiliate at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2013-2018) in Comparative Media Studies and the Open Documentary Lab: research into laboratory projects, publication of research into interactive documentary on a web portal, conducting and editing interviews on the research scope of experts and partial publication of the COME/IN/DOC project.
- 2 * Member of the i-Docs group (University of the West of England-Digital Culture Research Center, 2011-2023): publication of research into interactive documentary on the web portal, collaboration in activities related to the symposium/congress and assistance at the symposium/congress.
- 3 * Consultant and collaborator with the Interactive Media Department of Televisión Española in the "Somos Documentales" project (RTVE.ES, 2014-2018): researcher and blog editor: 'Webdocs. Historias del siglo XXI' (2014-2018), consultant on projects from the Audiovisual Innovation Laboratory-RTVE-Lab, invitation to the interDocsBarcelona event.
- 4 * Winner of the XXV CAC Awards for research into Audiovisual Communication (2013), and Special Mention from the jury in the XXIII CAC awards for research into Audiovisual Communication (2011).
- 5 * Research published in prestigious international journals and publishers (10 of the 15 best results/publications are in English). Magazines: Curator. The Museum Journal, Studies in Documentary Film, Museum Management and Curatorship, Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Collection and Curation, etc. Editorials: Routledge-Taylor & Francis, Wiley, Springer, Emerald, McGraw Hill, Intellect, Columbia University Press, Iberoamericana Vervuert, Forge, EUNSA, Crujía, Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea, etc.
- 6 * Publications in international journals of reference in the documentary genre:
Gifreu-Castells, A. (2012). The case of Guernica, painting of war, the first Catalan interactive documentary project. Studies in documentary film, 6-2, 229-242. London: Taylor & Francis. DOI:
Gifreu-Castells, A. (2018). Approach to Interactive and Transmedia Non-Fiction Narrative in Latin America. Studies in Documentary Film. Special Issue.
- 7 * Publications in international journals of reference about museums:
Mateos-Rusillo, S.; Gifreu-Castells, A. (2018). Transmedia storytelling and its natural application in Museums. The case of the Bosch exhibition at the National Prado Museum. Curator The Museum Journal. Wiley Periodicals, 61: 2, 301-313. DOI:
Gifreu-Castells, A. (2018). Exhibition and preservation of non-fiction interactive and transmedia forms of expression. Collection and Curation, Emerald, 37: 2, 85-92. DOI:
Mateos-Rusillo, S.; Gifreu-Castells, A. (2016): Museums and Online exhibitions: Model for analyzing and charting existing types, Museum Management and Curatorship. Taylor & Francis, 32: 1, 40-49.
- 8 * Notable scientific collaborations at the international level (author's profile):
- Research: MIT Open Documentary Lab (United States); i-Docs (England); Harvard Metalab (United States); York University (Canada); Latin American Chair of Transmedia Narratives (Argentina). Tutorials and consultancies: St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (Germany), RMIT University (Australia).
- Festivals and congresses: European Youth Award - International Center for New Media (Austria); Transmedia Immersive University (France); Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute/IDST - Madeira Film Festival (Portugal); Mostra BUG/Bug404 project (Brazil).
- Juries: Interactive Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling; European Youth Award; The Sight & Sound Documentary Poll (England); Scholarship for the development of interactive web documentary - Ministry of Culture, Government of Colombia.
- Reviewer for scientific journals: Leonardo; French Journal for Media Research; Maguaré (National University of Colombia).
- 9 * Bibliometric study of the impact in the field of specialization:
Montoya, Diego; Villa, María Isabel; Vásquez, Mauricio (Eds.) (2019). Producción científica en torno a los conceptos transmedia y cross-media en Web of Science y ScieELO Citation Index. En: Culturas globales de convergencia. Conferencia Internacional Transmedia. Medellín: Editorial EAFIT. In press.
* Among the 3 most internationally cited authors in Web of Science-Clarivate Analytics in the fields of 'transmedia documentary', 'interactive documentary', 'webdoc', 'interactive nonfiction' and 'transmedia nonfiction'.
* Among the top 10 most internationally cited authors in Scopus in the fields of 'transmedia documentary', 'interactive documentary', 'webdoc', 'interactive nonfiction' and 'transmedia nonfiction'.
Montoya, Diego; Villa, María Isabel; Vásquez, Mauricio (Eds.) (2019). Producción científica en torno a los conceptos transmedia y cross-media en Web of Science y ScieELO Citation Index. En: Culturas globales de convergencia. Conferencia Internacional Transmedia. Medellín: Editorial EAFIT.
Among the top 5 most cited authors in Spanish language doing research on the 'transmedia' concept in the field of communication.
Beltrán-Arismendi, C. (2020). Enfoques emergentes desde las artes y el diseño para la teorización y
creación de experiencias transmedia. Aproximación desde el meta-análisis de publicaciones científicas. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad. Vol. 33 Núm. 3. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. ISSN 1131-5598, ISSN-e 1988-2408.
* Position 3 of 26 among the most productive authors in relation to transmedia narratives and transmedia experience design concept. Among the 26 productive authors, the following stand out: Carlos Scolari, Renira Gambarato, Mar Guerrero-Pico, Arnau Gifreu-Castells, Xoxe Lopez-García and Carmen Costa; these have a production of five or more articles.
* Position 5 of 40 as the author with the highest number of referenced documents in ISI Web of Knowledge (Thomson Reuters) and in SCImago Research Group (Scopus).
- 10 * Other important indicators (consulted on 20 April, 2023):
--- ResearchGate:
*Research Interest Score = 260.2
* h-index = 10
* 17.203 Reads
* 347 Citations
* 13 Recommendations
--- Clarivate/Web of Science - Publons (225251):
* 42 citations
* 26 publications in Web of Science
* 71 total documents
* H-Index = 4
* Average citations per year: 4.1
--- Scopus ID (56354738200):
* 37 citations
* 39 documents cited in Scopus- Scimago
* H-Index = 4
--- Google Scholar:
* 866 citations
* Index h = 17
* Index i10 = 26
* 70,008 document views
* 95 public mentions
--- AD Scientific Index 2023:
* Total H Index = 16
* Last 6 years H Index = 13
* Last 6 years / Total H Index = 0.813
* Total i10 Index =25
* Last 6 years i10 Index = 18
* Last 6 years / Total i10 Index = 0.720
* Total Citation = 827
* Last 6 years Citation = 492
* Last 6 years / Total Citation = 0.595
--- Dialnet Metrics:
* N. Publications: 33 (57,6% quoted)
* N. citations: 84 (2,4% utoquotes)
* Índex h: 5
* Índex h5: 2
* Academic age: 10 years
* Index m: 0,50