Industrial composition





An interface that recreates an industrial atmosphere, with a creative concept based on the humanisation of machines and humans' identification with them. It uses sound and graphic features to make users experience the machine as if they were part of it. In the industry, there is an attitude that ridicules certain ideological standpoints in modern society, which criticises industry, while using the objects it produces every day.  When the first Industrial Revolution took place, it was criticised by some intellectual sectors of the bourgeoisie. They were against industry, because it led to man's alienation; workers in the suburbs were derided, while those in rural areas were idealised. It was an attitude of criticism-idealisation, based on ignorance of both situations, which was particularly common in the Romantic era.

This school of thought is still common today, but has been adapted to modern society, as can be seen by the various opinions that can be heard "at street level." It is a criticism of industry, technology, from an idealist perspective, that is not consistent with its actions, as it uses what it criticises every day. It is criticism, but consistent with its actions. Continuing with the idea of ridicule of this attitude, the composition of the industrial environment, it "takes industry's side" in the sense that it humanises it, as if it was a person. The objective is for the viewer to identify with the machine and not to see it as something cold, alien and mechanical. To make this mechanicity into a perception of strength, power, rhythm and energy; to experience all these sensations, but not externally as a spectator, but instead within the machine itself, identifying what is heard with what is being represented, and in the transmission of the energy of what is represented to the viewer.

Music: Rosamérica Urtasun