25 TV





Sequences of some programmes broadcast on 25TV local television in L’Hospitalet during the period 2000/2003. Before joining 25TV as an intern and during the last year of my degree course, I did the degree course internship at TVC (Televisió de Catalunya):

C33: Programme:"Els llibres i la vida" (production assistant)

TV3: Programme:"Fes-t'ho mirar" (production assistant)

Between 2000 and 2003 I worked for 25TV as a scriptwriter, production and director's assistant, producer, in post-production and as a continuity operator. The montage shows a summary of some of the important programmes while I was employed in television including "La quadratura del cercle", "Toni Rovira i tu" and "Al abordaje.

They include the film programmes "Si hoy es viernes esto es Hollywood" and "Al abordaje",in which I had the opportunity to produce my first important programmes live and to coordinate a technical team as a producer of the programme.