
2012 | Web

Web platform and research location focused on analyzing and enhancing interactive documentary production in the Latin area. Interdoc is an educational platform based on research, analysis and dissemination of interactive non-fiction, and can be used as a tool for studying and producing interactive documentary, an emerging form of audiovisual narrative. InterDOC is an online collaborative tool with two main functions: first, it facilitates the transmission of a certain type of information and knowledge that can be used in education, training and leisure activities, for example, in audiovisual and interactive production; and second, it allows a high degree of interaction and exchange between different users.

InterDOC is configured in two main areas: one visible area and one closed. The observatory will be the visible part of the production of interactive nonfiction genres, and particular emphasis will be placed on the interactive documentary genre. The area that is closed to the general public is considered to be the first social network specifically devoted to the interactive documentary.The people who will benefit from applying the InterDOC platform are those involved in the creation and production of interactive nonfiction, academic research and training in this area and the social networks of culture, leisure and entertainment.

Team: Valentina Moreno, Amanda Padilla, Ángela Gomez and Arnau Gifreu